Guests and press from all over the world share their joy and excitement about the art they see and experience. This shows with their surprised reactions when they visit the museum.
Excerpt from articles about the museum
NY Times
“There are lots of museums for kids, but Oslo has a museum by kids. A special museum for this age group (2 to 18 years old) is necessary because all art institutions and collections with material from the past and present contains things explicitly made by adults.”
“Louvre for the Children In the museum nothing is shielded by touching. At The International Museum of Children’s Art there is a party of fanasty, feelings and colours“
“Founder Rafael Goldin, a russian immigrant in Norway explored his personal pain through art, and started a mission which resulted in the establishment of an international museum dedicated to children’s art”
Swedish magasin
“We all know children make nice drawings. But how many are prepared to call that art? At The International Miuseum of Children’s Art in Oslo can you see pictures from more than 180 countries and the art experience is at least as strong as an “adult” art exhibit”
Oslo life – A different Oslo Guide
“It’s possibly the most importan museum to visit when in Oslo.”
“Visions by young masters! The power, diversity and quality of the works makes you really think.”