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2023 Summer school week 26 & week 32
26. June 2023 kl. 08:00 - 31. August 2023 kl. 17:00

2023 Summer school at the Children’s Art Museum week 26 & week 32
The Children’s Art Museum organizes Summer School in week 26 and week 32 for boys and girls aged *8-12 years.
Time: all activities and teaching will take place in between at 09.00 -15.00.
Age: 8-12 years (*age 8) The summer school is suitable for both girls and boys.
PLACE: Children’s Art Museum
Address: Lille Frøens vei 4, 0371 Oslo
ACCESS: Subway no. 1, line Frognerseteren to Frøen station.
Bus 46 to Frøensalleén about. 10 minutes walk from Majorstuen.
Course fee per participant: NOK. 2500 (*binding registration)
The museum is concerned with good artist material and that the children get to work with high-quality products. The children are given the Children’s Art Museum’s carrying net on the first day with a canvas, sketchbook and a good art pencil. Course fee includes all teaching, activities, art materials and fruit and drinks all 5 days.
DATE: Monday 26 week 26 June 2023
DATE: Monday 7 August – Friday 11 August August 2023
Practical info.
Time between 08.30-09.00 and between 15.00-15.30. The parents are responsible for the child being picked up between 15:00 and 15:30. The children will receive daily professional art lessons led by visual artist Sara Tanderø (weeks 26+32), combined with Yoga led by yoga teacher Rebekka Elise Kvelland (weeks 26+32). and animation with teacher Ann Karin Furuseth (week 26+32), theater stage art led by Kristine Grjotheim Bull/Tom Krane Vikestad (week 26+32) from Oslo theater center and music workshop with teacher Juni Teie (week 32). All artistic activities and teaching take place both outside and inside and are equally suitable for boys and girls. We end both weeks with a vernisage with parents, siblings, grandparents and friends on Friday 15-16.
About Visual artists Sara Tanderø
Visual artist Sara Tanderø works with camera-based art, illustration and video and is educated at Oslo Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts New York and ESAG Paris. She has exhibited pictures nationally and internationally such as at Høstutstilingen, Østlandsutstillingen, Portrait Now and several times in New York. Named Photographer of the Month at Galleri Qvale in December 2015. Her Artist Book “Playhideandseek” is represented in the library of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC and the image was purchased by Turid Meeker Contemporary Art. Sara Tanderø is a good communicator and has, among other things, lectured at the Symposium on Norwegian Portrait History in connection with the Portrait Now exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Denmark in 2015. www.saratandero.com
About Rebekka Eline Kvelland
Rebekka is a yoga teacher for children and young people. She is educated at Oslo yoga, and has studied various forms of yoga in California and India. She also holds singing circles for adults at Northern light yoga. Yogaløvene: Yogaløven er sterk og kan brøle høyt, men er først og fremst en mester i å slappe av og nyte livet. We learn to use our voice and listen to our inner clock. We use yoga and breathing exercises when we need more energy, when we have a headache or need to calm down the body so that it is easier to sleep at night. Through calm stretches and visual, guided meditation, we enter a relaxed and creative state. We give shape to something we have dreamed of or learned along the way, we colour, draw and write freely. On Friday, we end the week by making a circle with flowers and stones we have found in nature, and celebrate with rhythm and song.
About Oslo teatersenter: Oslo teatersenter (OTS) exists for the breadth of the performing arts field – from the grassroots to the professional. OTS was established on 2 September 1975, and is a voluntary organization that offers infrastructure and networks for theater groups, independent groups, actors, playwrights, instructors and educators. Oslo theater school is a weekly school for children and young people aged 7-18.
Instructors: Kristine Grjotheim Bull / Tom Krane Vikestad
Kristine Grjotheim Bull , Alongside her acting and directing assignments, Kristine has worked as a theater teacher since 2006.
Kristine has taught both children and adults of all ages, at cultural schools, schools, hospitals and seniors’ centres. No matter where she teaches, the aim is always the same – to create a space where creativity, play and wonder are at the centre.
Tom Krane Vikestad is 28 years old, comes from Mo i Rana, and is a trained actor from Westerdal’s Oslo Act. He is also a trained theater teacher at the University of the Arts in Oslo. Jan works as a secondary school teacher and freelance actor. He loves working with children and young people and young people and to bring out both creativity and many broad smiles!
About Ann Karin Furuseth. Ann Karin Furuseth is a trained teacher, and has worked in schools for over 20 years, where she has used animation as a method in various subjects for many years; but especially in arts and crafts. She also has teaching experience from riding school and sports. And is otherwise concerned with culture and storytelling, and believes it is important that children should be able to convey their culture and tell their stories. Loan of equipment for animation ; from the Cinematheque. Barnas cinematek is the Cinemateket in Oslo’s weekend offer for children. We show new films and old classics for children of different ages, from kindergarten children upwards. Sometimes we also have activities before or after the film or special screenings. Then you can, among other things, join an animation workshop, a silent film concert or pre-premieres. barnascinematek.no
About Juni Teie. Juni Teie is a classical singer and music educator educated at the Norwegian Academy of Music. There she completed her bachelor’s degree in classical singing in music pedagogy in 2014, and this summer she will complete her master’s degree in performing classical singing. Juni has extensive experience both as a performing singer and as an educator. She has been a soloist with several choirs, most recently in Oslo Cathedral with the Oslo Cathedral Youth Choir. As a teacher, she has experience from primary schools, choirs and as a singing teacher in cultural schools and upper secondary schools. Music workshop: A course where we focus on the voice. We start by warming up the voice, where we can also play with timbres and sounds, and where we focus on good singing technique. We will learn a song where we can work with rhythm in the body at the same time as we sing. Finally, we will work on composing with a graphic score, based on what sounds we can make with our voice and body.
Om Barnekunstmuseet: Det Internasjonale Barnekunstmuseet i Oslo ble grunnlagt i 1986 og er en arena hvor barn og unges stemme er helt grunnleggende. Museets samling fra mer enn 180 består nettopp av kunstneriske ytringer utført av barn og unge opptil 18 år. The Children’s Art Museum collects, preserves, disseminates and researches the cultural expressions of children and young people. Det langsiktige mål er å spre respekt og forståelse for verdien av barn og unges egen historie, kunst og kultur og at den bevares for ettertiden og samtidig å rette fokus på barn og unges rettigheter iht til FNs barnekonvensjon. www.barnekunst.no