2020 Invitation; Respect and Kindness Through Drawing – A Cross-Cultural Children’s Charity Project (CCCC)


«Draw me, Love me» 

Express Yourself and celebrate intercultural tolerance and diversity! 

You can draw someone who sparked your curiosity.


  • A Cross-Cultural Children’s Charity Mission (CCCC) to develop and strengthen Children mental and emotional wellbeing and social skills through drawing.

Throughout History artists have used portraiture to convey expressions of empathetic understanding. Portraits tell stories that are an intrinsic part of different nations, societies, backgrounds, cultures and identities; it provides a vessel for communication and promotes acceptance, united tolerance and respect.


Upload Images Gallery


  • Every one of us loves to stay, to play, to live with people who share the same ideas and the same preferences. What if we were more curious about the people around us, who have a different background, or come from a different culture or from a foreign country? Drawing is a great tool to make friends across cultures, religions, genders when we draw a portrait of him or her. We want to invite you to make this experience and to make a portrait of this special “somebody” in your school, your neighborhood or elsewhere and to share your results with us.


Young artists between the ages of 5 and 18 years are invited to submit entries for the ‘Draw me, Love me’ art project initiated by Faber-Castell, The International Museum of Children’s Art and The Red Pencil Humanitarian Foundation. This collaboration aims to stimulate and reflect the child’s creativity and strengthen their mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as their social skills through drawing. An overall goal of this project is to promote “kindness and respect through drawing” and raise awareness of children’s’ rights to self-expression and opinion (UN Convention, rights of the children, article 12-13) through portraiture. The process of drawing will empower children to express their opinions visually and tell a story that will influence future generations to accept, respect and tolerate each other.

Selected art works will be exhibited on Facebook and also at the International Museum of Children’s Art website gallery to promote cultural acceptance, respect and kindness through art.

The material may long term be used in various future planned exhibitions, printed material and research projects. All rights of the material will be given to Faber-Castell, The International Museum of Children’s Art and The Red Pencil humanitarian Foundation.

The mission is not limited to a certain period of time and meant to be an on-going and long-term activity. There will be several campaigns being realized, starting with the campaign “Draw me, love me”.

Watch this space for future themes. We will be posting a new theme for you to explore every 3 months ! 

Your artwork, guidelines 

  • One artwork only per artist
  • You may use any art materials you like but your artwork must be two-dimensional.
  • Can be vertical or horizontal.
  • Can be size A4 or A3
  • Open to children and young age 5-18 years


Organizations, schools and children interested in participating in one or several of the activities may visit the following links below; 

How to enter

Create your artwork and upload a clear image of your artwork onto our

a) Facebook page; Draw me, Love me ! 


b) The International Museum of Children’s Art website upload; Upload Images

(here you can register and upload your entry)


c) ENTRY-Form; link

(entry form attached, for entries posted by airmail)


d) Mail your original artwork by post to; 

Shipping / Mailing address;

The International Museum of Children’s Art

att: Director Angela Goldin

Lille Frøens vei 4, N-0371 Oslo, Norway


e) Visit our Gallery; 



f) Contact person; Director Angela Goldin

Email; mail@childrensart.com — or post@barnekunst.no

Tel. 47.22691777 Fax. 47.22692910







– United for tolerance and freedom of expression –


Faber-Castell, The International Museum of Children’s Art and The Red Pencil humanitarian Mission have successfully worked together in the past. They are organizations that feel an obligation towards the youngest among us and they share a similar corporate philosophy: to stimulate the creativity among children and to develop and strengthen their mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as their social skills through drawing.

In a world of growing poverty, over-population and radicalization the three above have decided to initiate a non-profit cooperation to build bridges amongst the youngest and weakest world citizens – our children. Through creative and playful activities such as drawing and painting, cultural and religious diversity is encouraged to be understood as a value and a chance, not a threat.

Teaching children through arts to communicate in a respectful and peaceful way, is as part of the project as it also raises awareness for children’s right of self-expression and opinion (UN Convention, rights of the children, article 12-13). These children may make a difference and be the channel to lead future generations towards more tolerance and respect for each other.

According to the project mission, the 3 parties will facilitate workshops and drawing contests around the world and encourage schools, child foundations and public institutions to get engaged in this cross-cultural children‘s mission. It is the mission’s goal to bring children from different cultural, religious or social backgrounds together for these activities.

The mission is not limited to a certain period of time and meant to be an on-going and long-term activity. There will be several campaigns being realized, starting with the campaign “Draw me, love me” : Children are invited to draw their vis-à-vis. The three organizations have announced that the first campaign will start with effect of May 2016.

Schools and children‘s art organizations are encouraged to use the educational and workshop material that will be developed by the initiators and distributed under the supervision of The International Museum of Children´s Art and the Red Pencil Humanitarian Mission. Faber-Castell is the sponsor of this joint project and will assist the two charities with know-how, art supply and logistics. The non-profit Graf von Faber-Castell Children’s Foundation will provide the initial funding.

Besides workshops and drawing activities, the CCCC-mission “Respect and Kindness through Drawing” will host exhibitions (live or online), provide training and educational material for schools, etc. and conduct social media activities.




Faber-Castell, established in 1761 by the cabinet maker Kaspar Faber (1730-1784†), is one of the oldest industrial companies in the world. The company is the world’s leading manufacturer of wood-cased pencils with a varied range of products for writing, drawing and creative design, as well as decorative cosmetics.  Faber-Castell is renowned for its high quality, innovative products, commitment to tradition, and environmental awareness.




The International Museum of Children’s Art;

The International Childrens Art Museum in Oslo was established 1. October 1986. The Museum aims at collecting, saving and presenting art made by children and youth from all over the world. It contains one of the world’s biggest collections and has experience in organizing art workshops and exhibitions on a national and international level. The Museum’s longterm effort is to promote the UN Convention on «the Rights of the Child» and develop appreciation of children’s own art and culture and promote the basic human rights of the child; The right to have and preserve a culture of one’s own is an accepted principle, when referring to nations or segments of the population.





The Red Pencil Foundation;

The Red Pencil is a non-profit organization helping children, adults and families through Arts Therapy. It is the core mission of The Red Pencil to bring the power of the Arts to everyone with a special focus on Arts Therapy. Arts Therapy promotes expression, healing and well-being through the creative process of arts-making. Through art, music, dance and drama, Arts Therapy reaches the depths of our being where words are simply inadequate or not enough.




for Europe, America, incl. Africa:
post@barnekunst.no  Ms Angela Goldin

for Asia and other parts of the world where The Red Pencil is heading for humanitarian missions:
Laurence@redpencil.org, Ms Laurence Vandenborre


Art Therapy links;

ANZATA – The Professional Association for Arts Therapy in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore  http://www.anzata.org

AATA – American Art Therapy Association  www.arttherapy.org

BAAT – The British Association of Art Therapists  www.baat.org

CATA – Canadian Art Therapy Association  www.catainfo.ca

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