Die Zeit; 2019 Invitasjon Tegnekonkurranse, frist 31.mai

Våren 2019 inviterer Tysklands største ukeavis DIE ZEIT og Barnekunstmuseet barn og unge for 3de gang til å si sin mening og uttrykke seg rundt tema: «Hvilken fremtidig verden ønsker du å leve i?» Barn og unge gjør seg tanker rundt hva ville de endre, bli kvitt eller oppfinne for å gjøre verden bedre, gladere og mer fargerik. 


Take part in a Drawing contest – and get your picture included in the museum!
You are an artist!

The kid’s page of the german weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT and The International Museum of Childrens Art in Oslo are hosting a big drawing contest. Every picture sent by children and young, will be sent to Oslo and become part of the Museum’s collection. The campaign ends on May 31st 2019.

Official announcement is published in the DIE ZEIT weekly newspaper April 2019 and online www.zeitleo.de

Topic: What future world do you want to live in?
What would you change or determine, invent or get rid off to make the world a better, brighter, more colorful place? Maybe it is important to you, that our nature and environment is protected or that there will be no more wars. Or do you have an idea for a machine or invention, that would improve the life’s of many humans. Or maybe you have a personal wish? Or is there a feeling that is linked to you with future? Or a color? Whatever comes to your mind – draw it for us!

How to take part:
Size, colors, motive: You are free to decide. But please, remember to include your full name, your age, nationality, contact details and title or comment of your work. It has to reach until May 31th – by postage to the following address:

c/o Kinderseite
20095 Hamburg

 *   or

directly to the Museum via email:post@barnekunst.no

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