Primary schools and afterschool programs

We provide knowledge of children’s art with the intention of strengthening the learning process through commitment and enthusiasm. Our guided tours can be related to the curricula in the subjects arts, sciences, social studies and geography, and can be adjusted to fit the competence aims of the Knowledge Promotion Reform. The guided tours are also relevant to The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

A tour around the museum allows for conversation and reflection. We start out by pondering over the name «The International Museum of Children’s Art» and we think out loud about words and concepts such as art, museum and quality. Our guide will take you through all the current exhibitions, and you will gain insight into the museum’s collection. We will talk about art in general and the images on display in particular, and we’ll observe, interpret and analyse the images collectively. What do we see in this image? What sort of artistic techniques did the artist use? What is the message of the image, what do you think the artist was trying to convey? You will also get a chance to visit «the magical room» – the room where our international dolls collection is on display. Included in the tour is a music activity where the children are encouraged to participate actively.

We are happy to adjust the tour to include themes that are of particular interest to you or if you have a special project you’re working on.

The content of the guided tours are adjusted according to age. For school tours we divide into three age groups: Grades 1.-4., 5.-7. and 8.-10.

For practical information and prices, please see separate post.


1st – 4th grade:

  • Duration: 90 min
  • Program: Visit the various exhibitions. Focus on cultural diversity and artistic expression in two dimensional and three-dimensional
  • Preparatory work (Optional):: Make a portrait.
  • Tasks at the museum (Optional): Study the portrait collection. Do portraits have to look like the person portrayed?
  • Supplementary work (Optional): Reflect on the use of techniques in portrait art.

5th – 7th grade

  • Duration: 90 min
  • Program: Visit the various exhibitions. The focus is on the three dimensional works and on how your own knowledge and skills
    are important prerequisites for being able to create the
    desired expression in your work.
  • Preparatory work (Optional): Make a figurine/sculpture using trash and found objects, e.g wire, corks, soda cans.
  • Tasks at the museum (Optional): Study the three-dimensional figurines in the glass case in the main hall.
  • Supplementary work (Optional): We encourage you to make an image or a sculpture, that’s up to you.

8th – 10th grade:

  • Duration: 90 min
  • Program: Visit the various exhibitions. Focus on being able to have a conversation
    about various artists’ expressions from different cultures. We look at both two-dimensional and three-dimensional works.
  • Preparatory work (Optional): Find out how different artists have presented the human form
    throughout art history, e.g Michelangelo, Vigeland, and Botero.
  • Tasks at the museum (Optional): Pick a sculpture and reflect over it’s main characteristics;
    proportions, materials, colors etc.
  • Supplementary work (Optional): We encourage you to make an image or a sculpture, that’s up to you.
  • Norsk bokmål