2014 – 2015: The Cultural Rucksack – Government for a day

The Cultural Rucksack (Den kulturelle skolesekken) is a national programme for art and culture provided by professionals in Norwegian schools.

The programme helps school pupils to become acquainted with all kinds of professional art and cultural expressions

For the spring of 2015 The International Museum of Childrens Art will host the programme “Government for a day”, iniated by the artists Marit Roland and Silje Hammer.  The programme is aimed at 1-7. graders and take the form of a collage workshop. The pupils are asked what they would do if the were put in the position of running the country for a day – what would they change? Through collaboration and discussion they will start visualising their ideas and thoughts into collages.

Arranged by: Dks – Oslo kommune
Hosted by: The International Museum of Childrens Art
Idéa and execution: Silje Hammer & Marit Roland
Contact person production: Angela Goldin E-mail: post@barnekunst.no  tlf: 22 69 17 77

Read more about the Cultural Rucksack at Arts Council Norway

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